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Barbara Kinsey Satterfield


“Don’t wait for opportunity, Create it.”


Barbara Kinsey Satterfield

What was the date of your initiation?

June 7, 1980

What was your initiation chapter?

Mu Beta Omega

From what college did you graduate?

Grambling University

What is your highest academic degree?


What is your highest professional credential?

Standard Teaching Credential

What is your Soror status?


Who is/are the Soror-Mentor(s) that supported you?

M. Doris Rose

What is your current (or former) occupation?


What's your favorite hobby or what you like to do in your spare time?

Traveling, Studying Scriptures

What's your favorite quote?

“Don’t wait for opportunity, Create it.”

What special skills do you possess that you are willing to share with the Chapter?

Organization, Visionary

When is your birthday?


Are you Legacy?


What anniversary do you want us to celebrate?

My Birthday

What is 1 item on your life's bucket list?

Visit New York City

Recommend your top 2 favorite Black-owned businesses.

Jackson Catering, 323-755-8200

What's the best book you read that you recommend everyone should read?


What's your favorite movie?


What's your favorite song?

I will always love you.

Oprah Winfrey likes to share, "What I know for sure.." What do  YOU know for sure that you want to share?

I know for sure that we all must leave this earth.



Disclaimer: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® is not responsible for the design nor content of these web pages. They are the sole property and responsibility of the Mu Beta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® who hosts and maintains this website. Last updated: January, 2023

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